Freedom Programme

SiSi Is Delivering the Freedom Programme Via Zoom

The Freedom Programme is starting on Monday 30th 6.30pm-8.30pm or February 7th from 10.30am-12.30pm.

  • It is for any women over the age of 18.
  • The programme is delivered over 12 weeks, each session is 90 minutes long with 30 minutes comfort break.

Attendance is free!

It is a rolling programme so women may join and make up a missed session when ready.

The Freedom Programme is a powerful life changing tool available to any woman who is ready
to take part and apply it to their own life.

The Freedom Programme teaches

  • Participants how to recognise signs of abuse and creates understanding of unhealthy and healthy relationships.
  • Taking part can offer help and support with safety planning.
  • Support is available from experts and other survivors.

The course is available in a variety of learning formats and will be delivered on zoom for the rest of 2023. Course books are available to purchase on Amazon or online access to the Freedom Programme is provided by the facilitator.

For more information contact or call 087 1479087

A link will sent the day before the programme starts. 

For more Information: Download the Freedom Programme Leaflet.